St. Francis of Assisi
Council of Catholic Women
Not far from the city of Rome, lies the little town of Genazzano where on the feast of St. Mark, April 25, 1467, pilgrims were startled by a mysterious rustling sound and the strains of sweet music. Looking up into the sky, they saw what appeared to be a soft cloud slowly descending to the front of the unfinished wall of the church dedicated to Mary under the title of Good Counsel. After the could disappeared, a small picture of Our Lady and the Child was left on the walls. Although painted on a thin piece of plaster, the image has withstood the test of time.
The National Council of Catholic Women acts through affiliates to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world.
Our parish CCW meets quarterly. Depending on the season, we will meet in the Education Building at either 1:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Members should check the Sunday bulletin for exact times and dates. Currently we have been meeting at local restaurants.
Membership in CCW is open to all Catholic Women and we meet quarterly.
Annual dues are $5.00 and payable at the first meeting of the year but no later than February of the following year. NCCW Bylaws require that membership dues be current in order for any member to serve as a voting representative at conventions.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish Council of Catholic Women (CCW) belongs to the Smoky Mountain Deanery, which is one of the four Deaneries that make up the Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (KDCCW). All councils are part of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) atat was established in 1920 at the request of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The NCCW has over 4,000 affiliates and represents thousands of Catholic women in parishes across the United States.
The Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is the moderator of our Council and is an honorary member of the Council.
Co-Presidents…………..Cam King, Naomi Nwadike
Co-Vice Presidents………Judy Krueger, Pat Irby
Treasurer…………..Sue Ann Tippitt
Secretary……………Janet Fallat
Please join with us as we strive to fulfill our mission within the parish as women of faith and action. Take a moment to reflect on the talents and gifts you have been given. Then ask yourself how you might share these gifts with others. We want and need your help and ideas.
Successfully accomplished the purchase of 2 Funeral Palls